All Stories

  1. El compromiso y la ética profesional en el acceso a la docencia
  2. Broadening the view of inclusion from a social justice perspective. A scoping review of the literature
  3. Caminos de reconocimiento y emancipación en una experiencia teatral con personas sin hogar
  4. Socio-cultural and artistic disruption in the Spanish university: the ArtEduca experience
  5. ‘Theatre has made me look people in the eye’: achievements and challenges of applied theatre in social work
  6. Bringing absence to the fore: Conversations around two experiences of applied theatre with homeless people in Spain
  7. Applied Theatre as a strategy for intervention with disadvantaged groups: a qualitative synthesis
  8. Editorial: Enseñanza Superior Contemporánea
  9. Is the smart mobile phone transforming university educational reality?
  10. Dialogical Renewal of Education through the Performing Arts: A Transdisciplinary Approach
  11. Learning Ecologies in Applied Theatre: Analysis of an Experience
  12. Strengthening Teaching Competences in Higher Education in Natural and Mathematical Sciences (TeComp)
  13. Miradas críticas de los profesionales de la educación ante las respuestas educativas al reto de la inclusión en la escuela andaluza
  14. Different role of the supplementary motor area and the insula between musicians and non-musicians in a controlled musical creativity task
  15. Competencias Reflexivas Favorecidas Durante La Formación Práctica En Educación Infantil
  16. Children living in residential care from teachers’ voices
  17. El enfoque por competencias en el contexto universitario español. La visión del profesorado
  18. Efficacy of the Educational Leadership in the Spanish Context: The Perspective of Its Agents
  19. Adaptación española de la escala de liderazgo pedagógico Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED)
  20. La opinión de los profesionales de los centros penitenciarios de Andalucía sobre los módulos de respeto
  21. Initial Training of Future Education Professionals: Are You Prepared for Inclusion?
  22. Actividad cerebral y métodos de enseñanza: estudio comparativo entre métodos
  23. Relación entre la edad del profesorado de música andaluz y el desarrollo de la Escuela TIC 2.0
  24. Fostering Professional Ethical Competence During Teacher Training Practice
  25. Concepciones del profesorado universitario sobre la formación en el marco del espacio europeo de educación superior
  26. Crisis and Reconstruction of Teachers’ Professional Identity: The Case of Secondary School Teachers in Spain
  27. Education Policy Reform and Professional Identities
  28. Indicators of Staff Development