All Stories

  1. How grain was harvested during the Neolithic period in the Balkans
  2. Lost in the mountains? The Cova del Sardo and the Neolithisation of the Southern Central Pyrenees (fifth-third mill. cal bc)
  3. The Neolithic expansion in the Western Mediterranean: Understanding a global phenomenon from regional perspectives
  4. Clay combustion structures in early Mesolithic at Cova da Baleia (Mafra, Portugal): Approaches to their functionality
  5. The beginning of the Neolithic in the Po Plain (northern Italy): Problems and perspectives
  6. Harvesting tools and the spread of the neolithic into the Central-Western Mediterranean area
  7. Harvest time: crop-reaping technologies and the Neolithisation of the Central Mediterranean
  8. Paths and Rhythms in the Spread of Agriculture in the Western Mediterranean: The Contribution of the Analysis of Harvesting Technology
  9. The Beginning of High Mountain Occupations in the Pyrenees. Human Settlements and Mobility from 18,000 cal BC to 2000 cal BC
  10. Revisión radiocarbónica y cronocultural del Neolítico antiguo de la Balma Margineda (Aixovall, Andorra)
  11. A palaeoeconomic perspective on the Early Neolithic lithic assemblages of the N–NE of the Iberian Peninsula
  12. Surface surveying in high mountain areas, is it possible? Some methodological considerations
  13. The Neolithic Necropolis of La Feixa del Moro (Juberri, Andorra): New data on the first farming communities in the Pyrenees
  14. The first farming communities in the Southwest European Coast: A traceological approach to the lithic assemblage of Vale Pincel I
  15. Reconstructing Harvesting Technologies through the Analysis of Sickle Blades: A Case-Study from Early-Middle Neolithic Sites in Northeastern Italy
  16. Ocupaciones de montaña en el marco de los primeros grupos agro-pastorales del Pirineo Central en el VI-V milenio cal ANE: una perspectiva paleoeconómica
  17. Del medio natural a los paisajes pastorales. Ocupación de las zonas de alta montaña en los Pirineos centrales de Cataluña desde el Mesolítico a la Edad del Bronce (c. 9000-1000 cal ANE)
  18. Conociendo la función del utillaje lítico tallado: Veinticinco años de análisis traceológicos aplicados a contextos neolíticos del noreste de la Península Ibérica [Getting to know the function of the flaked stone tools: Twenty-five years of use-wear...]
  19. Releyendo el fenómeno de la neolitización en el Bajo Aragón a la luz de la excavación del Cingle de Valmayor XI (Mequinenza, Zaragoza)
  20. Insights into the economic organization of the first agro-pastoral communities of the NE of the Iberian Peninsula: A traceological analysis of the Cueva de Chaves flaked stone assemblage
  21. La alta montaña durante la Prehistoria: 10 años de investigación en el Pirineo catalán occidental
  22. Instrumentos para siega y procesado de plantas desde el Calcolítico al Bronce antiguo de Chibanes (Palmela, Portugal)
  23. Macro and Micro Evidences from the Past: The State of the Art of Archeological Use-Wear Studies