All Stories

  1. A cohort study of fetal growth in twin pregnancies by chorionicity: comparison with European and American standards
  2. Ultrasound-guided intrasacular injection of methotrexate in the management of ectopic pregnancies with embryo. A 12 year experience report in a tertiary hospital
  3. Hemoptysis as the first symptom in the diagnosis of metastatic choriocarcinoma in the third trimester of pregnancy: A case report
  4. Uterocervical angle as a predictor of spontaneous preterm birth in twin pregnancies
  5. Impact of intertwin interval on short‐term neonatal outcomes of the second twin in dichorionic pregnancies with vaginal delivery
  6. Strategies in the induction of childbirth.
  7. Cervical Pessary Compared With Vaginal Progesterone for Preventing Early Preterm Birth: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Correction
  8. Cervical Pessary Compared With Vaginal Progesterone for Preventing Early Preterm Birth
  9. twin delivery strategy in very preterm pregnancies
  10. Biochemical markers in early-onset preeclampsia prediction
  11. Double-balloon catheter for induction of labour in women with a previous cesarean section, could it be the best choice?
  12. FRI0423 Miscarriage Risk Score in Mothers with Autoimmune Diseases
  13. Amniodrenaje en el manejo del polihidramnios severo sintomático
  14. Resultados perinatales en 492 presentaciones podálicas: cesárea vs. parto vaginal
  15. Impacto de la edad materna avanzada en las complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales de las gestaciones gemelares
  16. Repercusión en los resultados neonatales del intervalo de tiempo de nacimiento entre gemelos
  17. Management of ectopic pregnancies with poor prognosis through ultrasound guided intrasacular injection of methotrexate, series of 14 cases
  18. Análisis de la finalización de la gestación y morbilidad materna en las gestaciones de 41 semanas
  19. Embarazo ectópico abdominal. Diagnóstico y tratamiento médico con metotrexato
  20. Conservative Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
  21. Subcapital Fracture of the Hip in Transient Osteoporosis of Pregnancy
  22. Linfangioma quístico sin otras anomalías asociadas