All Stories

  1. AI application in journalism: ChatGPT and the uses and risks of an emergent technology
  2. No People, No News: News Deserts and Areas at Risk in Spain
  3. Evolution, trends and future of native media: From avant-garde to the epicenter of the communications ecosystem
  4. Research on digital native media: an emerging topic in the field of digital communication
  5. Misinformation on Trial: Media Coverage of a Murder, Public Conversation and Fact-Checking
  6. Open and commercial tools to generate a digital interactive story in journalism: systematic review and features analysis
  7. Algorithms and communication: A systematized literature review
  8. Los medios bajo el prisma de la audiencia española: cuestión de confianza
  9. Journalism, politics and citizenship: Keys to a new relationship from Spain
  10. Actualización de las fases del contenido periodístico para dispositivos móviles
  11. Back to Fukushima: Perceptions and effects of an immersive journalism story
  12. Blurring Boundaries Between Journalists and Tiktokers: Journalistic Role Performance on TikTok
  13. An Introduction to ‘Total Journalism’
  14. Emerging Journalisms: From Intuition to Prediction and the Constructive Approach
  15. Journalistic Storytelling for Complexity
  16. Documental interactivo y transmedia en América Latina: modelos, temáticas y estrategias
  17. Convergence of linear television and digital platforms: An analysis of YouTube offer and consumption
  18. Nuevas narrativas en los cibermedios: de la disrupción a la consolidación de formatos y características
  19. Intersections between TikTok and TV: Channels and Programmes Thinking Outside the Box
  20. Let’s dance the news! How the news media are adapting to the logic of TikTok
  21. Mapa y características de los cibermedios locales e hiperlocales en España
  22. Journalism in Digital Native Media: Beyond Technological Determinism
  23. Ephemeral Journalism: News Distribution Through Instagram Stories
  24. Interactive documentary: an interactive non-fiction storytelling format
  25. Innovación tecnológica y comunicativa para combatir la desinformación: 135 experiencias para un cambio de rumbo
  26. La innovación multimedia e interactiva en el ciberperiodismo argentino
  27. La audiencia activa en la ficción transmedia: plataformas, interactividad y medición
  28. Actores implicados en la consolidación del documental interactivo
  29. Interactive and Transmedia Documentary: Production, Interface, Content and Representation
  30. Transmedia discourse at the local and hyperlocal sphere
  31. Documental interactivo iberoamericano: proximidad y transformación social
  32. Interactive documentaries as a format in audiovisual media: A case study of RTVE and Al Jazeera
  33. Transmedia from university: Case study of DocuMedia model
  34. Contribuciones del documental interactivo a la renovación de las narrativas periodísticas: realidades y desafíos
  35. IV Encontro Mocidade Investigadora: 9-10 de xuño de 2016, Santiago de Compostela (España). Libro de resumos
  36. Immersive Journalism Through Mobile Devices: How Virtual Reality Apps Are Changing News Consumption
  37. Interactive Feature: A Journalistic Genre for Digital Media
  38. The Use of Social Networks in Interactive Documentary
  39. Fact-checking platforms in Spanish. Features, organisation and method