All Stories

  1. Cell cycle transcriptomics of Capsaspora provides insights into the evolution of cyclin-CDK machinery
  2. Reticulate evolution in eukaryotes: Origin and evolution of the nitrate assimilation pathway
  3. Hidden diversity of Acoelomorpha revealed through metabarcoding
  4. Forward genetics for back-in-time questions
  5. Genomics research dominated by "charismatic" organisms
  6. Regulated aggregative multicellularity in a close unicellular relative of metazoa
  7. The Capsaspora genome reveals a complex unicellular prehistory of animals
  8. Development of ichthyosporeans sheds light on the origin of metazoan multicellularity
  9. Molecular Phylogeny of Unikonts: New Insights into the Position of Apusomonads and Ancyromonads and the Internal Relationships of Opisthokonts
  10. Premetazoan Origin of the Hippo Signaling Pathway
  11. A genomic survey shows that the haloarchaeal type tyrosyl tRNA synthetase is not a synapomorphy of opisthokonts
  12. New genomes, new taxa and deep questions in the eukaryotic tree of life: a meeting report on the EMBO comparative genomics conference
  13. Animals and Their Unicellular Ancestors
  14. Integrin-mediated adhesion complex
  15. Evolution of the MAGUK protein gene family in premetazoan lineages
  16. The Evolutionary History of Lysine Biosynthesis Pathways Within Eukaryotes
  17. The origins of multicellularity: a multi-taxon genome initiative
  18. The Diversity of Mitochondrion-Related Organelles Amongst Eukaryotic Microbes
  19. Insights into the Evolutionary Origin and Genome Architecture of the Unicellular Opisthokonts Capsaspora owczarzaki and Sphaeroforma arctica
  20. Capsaspora owczarzaki is an independent opisthokont lineage
  21. The Nemertodermatida are basal bilaterians and not members of the Platyhelminthes