All Stories

  1. Evidence-based interventions targeted at behavioral inhibition, shyness, and anxious withdrawal during the preschool years: A rapid review
  2. Preschool Teachers’ Cognitions, Emotions, and Tolerance toward Children’s Hypothetical Social Behaviors in the Classroom
  3. Antecedents to and outcomes associated with teacher–child relationship perceptions in early childhood: Further evidence for child‐driven effects
  4. Preschoolers’ Beliefs, Emotions and Intended Responses toward Peer Behaviors: Do Children’s Sex, Age, and Social Behavior Make a Difference?
  5. Associations between secure base script knowledge in early childhood and perceived quality of attachment in middle childhood
  6. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), executive function and attachment
  7. Loneliness Profiles in Adolescence: Associations with Sex and Social Adjustment to the Peer Group
  8. Multidimensional Factor Structure of the Modified Child Rearing Practices Report questionnaire (CRPR-Q) in a sample of Portuguese mothers: A bifactor approach
  9. Distinct Profiles of Relationships With Mothers, Fathers, and Best Friends and Social‐Behavioral Functioning in Early Adolescence: A Cross‐Cultural Study
  10. Profiles of behavioral inhibition and anxiety symptoms during the preschool years
  11. Perceptions of Portuguese parents about the acceptability of a multicomponent intervention targeted at behavioral inhibition during early childhood
  12. Measurement invariance across mother/child and father/child attachment relationships
  13. Early father–child and mother–child attachment relationships: contributions to preschoolers’ social competence
  14. Perceções dos psicólogos portugueses acerca da aceitabilidade de uma intervenção dirigida a crianças inibidas em idade pré-escolar
  15. Loneliness in adolescence: Confirmatory factor analysis of the relational provisions loneliness questionnaire (RPLQ) in a Portuguese sample
  16. Network dynamics of affiliative ties in preschool peer groups
  17. Preschoolers’ secure base script representations predict teachers’ ratings of social competence and externalizing behavior
  18. Prosocial Behavior and Friendship Quality as Moderators of the Association Between Anxious Withdrawal and Peer Experiences in Portuguese Young Adolescents
  19. Perceptions of Portuguese Psychologists about the Acceptability of a Parent Intervention Targeted at Inhibited Preschoolers
  20. Network Structure Predicts Changes in Perception Accuracy of Social Relationships
  21. How do hypothalamic nonapeptides shape youth’s sociality? A systematic review on oxytocin, vasopressin and human socio-emotional development
  22. Qualidade da amizade na adolescência e ajustamento social no grupo de pares
  23. Perceived attachment security to parents and peer victimization: Does adolescent's aggressive behaviour make a difference?
  24. Perfis de comportamentos de brincadeira e conhecimento emocional em crianças de idade pré-escolar
  25. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters: Are there sex differences in the organization of secure base behavior during early childhood
  26. Children's Representations of Attachment and Positive Teacher–Child Relationships
  27. Perception Accuracy of Affiliative Relationships in Elementary School Children and Young Adolescents
  28. Quality of play, social acceptance and reciprocal friendship in preschool children
  29. Análise fatorial confirmatória da versão portuguesa da escala Preschool Play Behaviour Scale para educadoras
  30. Co-evolution of Friendships and Antipathies: A Longitudinal Study of Preschool Peer Groups
  31. Social engagement and adaptive functioning during early childhood: Identifying and distinguishing among subgroups differing with regard to social engagement.
  32. Direct and indirect relations between parent–child attachments, peer acceptance, and self-esteem for preschool children
  33. Representações de Vinculação e Qualidade do brincar interativo em Crianças em Idade Pré-Escolar
  34. Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods from Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions
  35. Affiliative structures and social competence in Portuguese preschool children.
  36. Quantity of Group Child Care, Behavior Problems, and Prosocial Behaviors: A Study with Portuguese Preschoolers
  37. O reduzido envolvimento social: implicações para o ajustamento psicossocial de crianças em contexto pré-escolar
  38. O retraimento social em adolescentes: um estudo descritivo do seu ajustamento sócio-emocional segundo a perspectiva dos professores
  39. Os Modelos internos dinâmicos analisados com recurso às narrativas de representação da vinculação em adultos
  40. As relações de pares de jovens socialmente retraídos
  41. Domains of father involvement, social competence and problem behavior in preschool children
  42. Percepção de Competência Parental: Exploração de domínio geral de competência e domínios específicos de auto-eficácia, numa amostra de pais e mães portuguesas
  43. Growth of Social Competence During the Preschool Years: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study
  44. Longitudinal stability of social competence indicators in a Portuguese sample: Q-sort profiles of social competence, measures of social engagement, and peer sociometric acceptance.
  45. Análise fatorial confirmatória do Extended Class Play numa amostra portuguesa de jovens adolescentes
  46. Associations Between Attachment Security and Social Competence in Preschool Children
  47. Is the Secure Base Phenomenon Evident Here, There, and Anywhere? A Cross-Cultural Study of Child Behavior and Experts’ Definitions
  48. Exponential random graph models of preschool affiliative networks
  49. Social Competence in Preschool Children: Replication of Results and Clarification of a Hierarchical Measurement Model
  50. Father involvement and peer play competence in preschoolers: The moderating effect of the child's difficult temperament
  51. Challenges in designing seamless-learning scenarios: affective and emotional effects on external representations
  52. Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends
  53. Hierarchical Models of Social Competence in Preschool Children: A Multisite, Multinational Study
  54. The organization of children's secure base behaviour in two-parent Portuguese families and father's participation in child-related activities
  55. Postconflict Behaviour in Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella)
  56. Le modèle de représentation interne maternel et le comportement de base de sécurité de l'enfant dans un groupe d'enfants adoptés
  57. Correlates of Self-directed Behaviors in Captive Cercopithecus aethiops
  58. Specifying social structures in preschool classrooms: descriptive and functional distinctions between affiliative subgroups
  59. Secure base representations for both fathers and mothers predict children's secure base behavior in a sample of Portuguese families
  60. Aggression and Adaptation
  61. The quality of maternal secure-base scripts predicts children's secure-base behavior at home in three sociocultural groups
  62. Courting females: ecological constraints affect sex roles in a natural population of the blenniid fishSalaria pavo
  63. Breeding ecology and nest aggregations in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae) in an area where nest sites are very scarce