What is it about?

Researchers report a breakthrough study which shows how a set of lifestyle modifications such as improving diet, exercise, and stress management along with coaching for targeted brain training and neurofeedback could bring remarkable benefits for patients with attention deficit disorder, concussion, and memory loss.

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Why is it important?

Patients who suffer from ADHD, concussion, or age-related memory loss can now use the components of the 12-week brain fitness program that is reported in this study to improve their cognitive capacity and brain performance on their own.


This is one of the few studies which shows improving cognitive functions in patients with ADHD, concussion, or memory loss does not require medications or expensive surgical procedures. Lifestyle modifications can bring more blood to the brain and make it healthier and stronger -- and as a results patients notice remarkable improvements in their memory, attention, and executive functions.

Majid Fotuhi
George Washington University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Benefits of a 12-Week Non-Drug “Brain Fitness Program” for Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder, Post-Concussion Syndrome, or Memory Loss, Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports, June 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/adr-220091.
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