- ArticleA distributed subcortical circuit linked to instrumental information-seeking about threat
- ArticleAlmost 30,000 species in trade, the overlooked dimensions of wildlife trade
- ArticlePredicting gene sequences with AI to study codon usage patterns
- ArticleThe ideal psychological profile for a top football player
- ArticleThe SUB1 protein protects the ends of chromosomes and is a vulnerability of ALT cancer cells.
- ArticleVCP is recruited by FAF1 to degrade KCC2,facilitating smoothly transition out of anesthesia.
- ArticleWRKY2-WOX2 module regulates zygote asymmetry in Arabidopsis
- ArticleNeural Mechanism for Updating Working Memory
- ArticleLittle evidence that nonmonogamous family structures are detrimental to children’s well-being in Mpimbwe, Tanzania
- ArticleThe brush-furred mouse, Lophuromys: a new mammalian model of complex tissue regeneration
- ArticleThe role of a rubber-like protein in jumping insects.
- ArticleExplains the origins of complex life on land by the late stabilization of Earth’s ozone layer
- ArticleUnraveling Iron-Induced Stem Cell Death in Plant Roots: A Mitochondrial Stress Pathway
- ArticleWhen Did the Moon’s Magma Ocean Turn to Stone?
- ArticleAI in Scientific Literature Reviews: Screening Articles Faster
- ArticleAn ataxia therapeutic from conifers
- ArticleEvolution sustains itself in more ways than one under the threat of environmental change
- ArticleHow the ocean circulation depends on the rate of CO2 change
- ArticleIdentifying the source of a climate-changing mystery eruption
- ArticleRepeated global adaptation across plant species
- ArticleSpread of turbulent cancer cells
- ArticleStochasticity in morphogenesis
- ArticleMany marine animals swim at similar relative depths when travelling and not feeding to save energy
- ArticleMechanosesning circuit activated by rigidity drives calcification in humans and sea urchins
- ArticleLigand-Guided Enzyme Catalysis: A New Era for Halogenation Chemistry
- ArticleCO2 sequestration by mineralization
- ArticleGenesis and regulation of C-terminal cyclic imides from protein damage
- ArticleAnomalous diffusion of electric charge in Graphene-like semimetals
- ArticleThe Moon's water contains comet contributions
- ArticleRoles of endogenous retroviruses in hematopoiesis
- ArticleBeans and peas best meat alternative, veggie burgers second, lab-grown meat worst
- ArticleLipid oxidation can cause cataracts
- ArticlePreventing progressive hearing loss associated with Norrie disease
- ArticleBiomass-burning organic aerosols boost air pollutant formation under sunlight
- ArticleThe order in which amino acids were added to the genetic code in ancient life
- ArticleHow Institutions Leverage Reputation to Build Cooperation
- ArticleAldosterone action is potentiated by the glucocorticoid receptor
- ArticleA ferroelectric phase transition underlying the liquid-liquid phase transition in water
- ArticleActivation of an acid-sensitive receptor on knee-joint cells contributes to inflammatory joint pain.
- ArticleEngineered bacteria that can focus light
- ArticleCO 2 protects cells from iron-Fenton oxidative DNA damage in Escherichia coli and humans
- ArticleProcessing of images of bodies in the human visual cortex
- ArticleCompetitive funding is time-consuming, costly, and not accurate.
- Article11 iron-based superconductors
- ArticleSuppressing the effects of brain tumor-causing mutations
- ArticleHow can we improve compliance with public health measures during an epidemic?
- ArticleAdding bacteria into cement to avoid catastrophic material failures.
- ArticleHow the brain shifts focus between memories and the world