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    Why Pearson Correlations Fall Short for Studying Dimensionality
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    Between a rock and a hard place: The need for data in pursuit of mental health equity and barriers to appropriate and effective data collection and management in American Indian/Alaska native communities.
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    How daily stress, threat, and avoidance affect identity concealment in trauma-exposed LGBTQ+ people
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    Structural explanations reduce likelihood that people hold managers accountable for discrimination
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    Comparing Listening to Music Playing on Stress Reduction
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    Unethical and harmful effects of artificial intelligence on human interactions and well-being: What organizational consultants can do.
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    For you are with me: The relationship between religious coping styles and mental health symptoms among Black Americans.
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    Talking with young children about big events: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
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    How the brain processes reference in language
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    We are often goal-oriented in our use of ambient, background television
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    Why Moving from Tribe to City Disrupts Indigenous People's Sleep
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    Anxiety induced by artificial intelligence (AI) painting
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    Cyber abuse and PTSD experienced by women in DV shelters
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    How Hurricane Maria Impacted the Mental Health of Puerto Rican Youth
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    App yourself: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of well-being mobile apps on employee well-being and mental health.
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    Train-Deploy-Monitor: A Practical Approach to Training Psychology Interns for Primary Care
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    How to reduce implicit biases about weight
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    Do social media posts affect rape myth acceptance?
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    How Feeling Stigmatized Affects Mental Health in People with Eczema
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    Followers prefer communal over agentic leaders
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    Fear and anxiety in placebo effects in pain: a theoretical model
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    Positive Empathy can Improve Well-being on Social Media
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    Let's talk about the "Woo-Woo" in the room: Nonbinary Black womxn, spirituality, and religion
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    Ensuring Ethical and Effective Mental Health Interventions Across Borders
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    Microaggressions Affecting People of Color in Clinical Training
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    Parents' Hopes for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
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    Parallel process in psychodynamic supervision: The supervisor's perspective
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    Predictors of Nondisclosure in Mothers living With HIV Participating in Disclosure Intervention
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    What is Mankeeping? The Male Friendship Recession and Women's Associated Labor
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    Indigenous students' experiences with racism
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    Embracing errors: Brain-based classification errors can tell us about mental illness
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    Childhood activity: a risk or a resource factor for later adjustment?
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    It is not antisemitic to support Palestinian rights, and scholars should know that.
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    Using hearing and vision for motion prediction, motion perception, and localization.
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    The potential of sexuality to help autistic people reclaim their subjective experience.
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    Is autism characterised by a broken ability to think about thoughts?