
  1. Article
    How Pacific Islands Nations Are Protecting Their Rights from Climate Change
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    Why We Need a Shared Language for Research on How we Influence Others' Emotions
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    Information Aggregation with Costly Information Acquisition
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    Racial Bias within Face Recognition: A Survey
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    Captains vs. All-Stars: Who makes better leaders?
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    Comparative analysis of Theodore of Mopsuestia's biblical exegesis in his Homilies and commentaries
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    Death from Failed Protection? An Evolutionary-Developmental Theory of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
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    Making a small change to an artificial protein cage caused it to rearrange into a new shape
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    Towards construction of DNA and lipid-based nanorobots that can help build artificial cells
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    Constitutional jurisprudence on cross-border rights of indigenous peoples in Norway
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    Sweet salvation: how a sugar cane pathogen is gearing up a new era of antibiotic discovery
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    Is there anything different about a call to ordained ministry compared to choosing a career?
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    Improving critical thinking in higher education
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    Exploratory hypothesis tests can be more compelling than confirmatory hypothesis tests
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    What kind of almost regular cage shapes can be made from "Irregular" protein building blocks?
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    An artificial protein nanocage can arrange gold nanoparticles in regular 3D patterns
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    Researchers Reprogram the Dimensions of a Virus Like Particle.
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    Learning from the diaconate in other churches
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    Researchers Unveil Programmable Biological Cages
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    Cross-linking of biopolymers for stabilizing earthen construction materials
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    A single residue can modulate nanocage assembly in salt dependent ferritin
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    How bacteria hijack membrane proteins to transport antibacterial peptides
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    Researchers develop a protein nanocapsule able to deliver molecular cargoes to cells
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    L’Alcorano of Andrea Arrivabene
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    Targeting a "hidden" enzyme in malaria with a natural product drug
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    Biology determines what sounds are unpleasant, but musical preference is culturally acquired
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    DNA Nanocages Go Chiral
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    When to adjust alpha during multiple testing
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    Using enzymes for preparing durable compressed stabilized earth blocks
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    Waste Heat Recovery, Diesel Engine Exhaust, CFD Analysis
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    Durability and hygroscopic behaviour of biopolymer stabilised earthen construction materials
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    A protein helps bacteria resist drugs by mimicking DNA
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    Capturing enzymes in protein nanocages
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    Transient dwelling: trains as places of identification for the floating population of China
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    Should we think about Type I errors in a different way?
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    Does it matter if researchers engage in undisclosed hypothesising after seeing their results?
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    The transition of midlife women from organisational into self-employment.
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    Paradoxical, Artificial Protein Cage
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    Does preregistration improve the interpretability and credibility of research findings?
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    Dodgy goods and shady deals: how the global economy enables them
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    Everyday experience with music and musical training impact the pleasantness of consonance
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    How did life begin?
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    Modern 'barrows' for cremated remains in the UK and why they matter
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    Book Review: Near Death Experience in Indigenous Religions by Gregory Shushan
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    Anthropology of infant sleep research past and future
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    m-Health Interventions to Reduce Alcohol Use in Young People
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    Enzymes protected in protein cages
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    Engaging employees with organizational change