What is it about?

The present work exposes the design of optimization procedures for the design of reinforced concrete frames, taking on account optimal distributions of the rebar both in the analysis and design processes, making comparisons in cost, weight of the structure and predicted damage by using symmetrical reinforcement in columns and asymmetrical.

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Why is it important?

This work enhances the development of new techniques to model, analyse and design reinforced concrete structures.


There is a need to improve the way in which reinforced concrete structures are modeled, anlaysed and designed. With the vast technology and techniques that are available today it is possible and required to integrate more criteria for these such tasks during the planning stages of a structural project. Artificial Inteligence is the key for future code specifications.

Luis Fernando PhD student - Researcher
CIMAT - Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Performance-Based Optimization of Reinforced Ductile Concrete Frames with Asymmetric Reinforcement in Columns Using the ISR Analogy, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, September 2021, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2021/v40i2131469.
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