What is it about?

Establishment of an LC equation and of a local E and B fields equation describing per­manently localized photons from the analysis of kinetic energy circulation within the en­ergy structure of the double-particle photon that Louis de Broglie hypothesized in the early 1930's. Among other interesting features, these equations provide a mechanical explanation to the localized photon properties of self-propelling at the speed of light and of self-guiding in straight line when no external interaction tends to deflect its trajectory. This paper summarizes the seminal considerations that led to the establishment of the electromagnetic mechanics of elementary particles, explaining the conversion processes of electromagnetic energy and mass from electromagnetic photon emission to nucleon construction from the trispatial geometry perspective.

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Why is it important?

This paper is particularly important because an Appendix A was added to this republished version, highlighting the contribution of Paul Marmet to science, as a tribute to his specific contribution to the development of the mechanics of elementary particles, despite the inappropriate treatment that he suffered from the authorities of the University of Ottawa, and from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada when they deprived him of his grant and even of his tenure at the University of Ottawa for doing this so important leading edge research.


This articles explain the seminal considerations that lead to clear electromagnetic descriptions of all elementary particles of which all atoms are made, and describes the properties that fundamental energy must have to explain the behavior of electromagnetic particles at the subatomic level.

André Michaud
Service de Recherche Pédagogique Québec Inc (SRP Inc)

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: De Broglie’s Double-Particle Photon, June 2021, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/nupsr/v4/1979f.
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