What is it about?
Here I expose the scientific weaknesses of the claim for 'spread' of artemisinin resistance (AR) in Myanmar made in the Lancet Infectious Diseases by Tun et el in 2015. The claim is a classic example of bad science conducted in the interest of political expedience rather than by applying scientific method. In this current paper I demonstrate exactly how and why.
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Why is it important?
The flawed nature of the analysis in Tun et al (2015) has gone largely unnoticed by the medical community. It is crucial to point this out to a wider audience in the light of statistical analyses conducted with additional data which can be supported by the World Health Organisation.
The analysis of Tun et al (2015) published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases to support the claim of 'spread' of artemisinin resistance in Myanmar is classic pseudoscience. The current paper sets the record straight once and for all and will make people interrogate what they read in highly cited journals more carefully.
Eric Grist
University of Exeter
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: ‘Spread’ of Artemisinin Resistance in Myanmar Revisited, International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, August 2022, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/ijtdh/2022/v43i1530643.
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