What is it about?
The purpose of this study has been to analyze the implications that the age and the cultural factors associated with the nationality, to submit to the relationship between social support and depression. With this goal, has interviewed a total sample of 1503 persons of adult age (young people, adults and elderly) belonging to Spain, Cuba and Mexico.
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Why is it important?
The results indicated that the relationship obtained between emotional support according to different sources and values in depressive symptomatology is subject to changes depending on the cultural influences associated to the country of origin of those interviewed, and his age, as well as the interaction between both variables
It was a great pleasure to work with researchers of different countries, Today we are good friends and we continue working together on different projects.
Dra. Marta Martín Carbonell
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Implicaciones recíprocas de la edad y el país de pertenencia en la relación entre apoyo emocional percibido y depresión.: Un estudio transcultural., Anales de Psicología, April 2016, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia,
DOI: 10.6018/analesps.32.2.203611.
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