What is it about?

The algebraization of mathematics was a key process in the transformation of the seventeenth century mathematics if we consider two of its relevant features: a new symbolic language and an analytic method for solving problems. We have shown within the framework of the algebraization of mathematics, that students gain a better understanding of the role of the relationship between algebra and geometry in the development of mathematics, which helps them to improve their mathematical training.

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Why is it important?

The knowledge of the processes in the history of mathematics is very useful for a greater and complete comprehension of the foundations and nature of mathematics. We analyse the results of the implementation of a historical activity in a mathematics history course for the bachelor’s degree in mathematics, which includes singular geometric constructions for solving equations.


These kinds of activities are very rich in terms of the competency-based learning, as they allow students to apply their knowledge (algebra and geometry) in different situations and from different points of view, rather than reproduce exactly what they have learned. In addition, this article allows to appreciate the contribution of different cultures to the knowledge of and the transformation of mathematics.

Sra Mª Rosa Massa-Esteve
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The algebraization of mathematics: Using original sources for learning mathematics, Inovacije u nastavi, January 2020, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES),
DOI: 10.5937/inovacije2001021e.
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