What is it about?
Ethics in medical sciences research may not always translate into ethical publications. Publication misconducts are not only restricted to research fraud or data manipulations alone but also seriously include plagiarism, duplicate publications especially on figures and tables, authorship disputes and conflict of interests. How medical publications might have abused various ethical norms not only while conducting research but also during the publication process.
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Why is it important?
As research in medical sciences are expanding and to stay in the race as a resaercher is important hence we must know what are the way we must follow research ethics
As an Associate member of COPE and Editor in Chief of Medical Journal I have faced many unethical attempt to get research publish by authors. Hence my own experience I have shared in this chapter of the book
Prof Kusal K. Das
BLDE University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Ethical Publications in Medical Research, December 2016, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/64947.
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