What is it about?

This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. The performance of any organization depends on the efficiency of individuals, and that could be achieved when they are motivated with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelings, experience, realization of job, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish their work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed that this force is directed to satisfy or fulfill needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change of needs and wants satisfying factors that are widely known as means of motivation. The motivational means might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined work environment that are essential for the present complex business world.

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Why is it important?

The forces identified in this paper could be made favorable by making change of needs and wants satisfying factors to motivate the people at work.


I think this paper will help thinking the policymakers of the companies to motivate their people.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A FEW ASPECTS OF MOTIVATION: AN OVERVIEW OF CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND TECHNIQUES, Khulna University Studies, May 1999, Khulna University,
DOI: 10.53808/kus.1999.1.1.103-108-mb.
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