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The performance of a product is generally characterized by more than one response variable. Hence the management often faces the problem of simultaneous optimization of many response variables. This study was undertaken to simultaneously optimize the surface hardness and case depth of carbonitrided bushes. Even though lots of literature has been published on various methodologies for tackling the multi-response optimization problem, the simultaneous optimization of heat treated properties of carbonitrided bushes are not reported yet. In this research the effect of four factors and two interactions on surface hardness and case depth of carbontirded bushes were studied using design of experiments. Based on the experimental results, the expected values of the heat treated properties of the bushes were estimated for all possible combination of factors and the best combination which, simultaneously optimized the response variables, was arrived at using desirability function. The study showed that the optimum combination obtained through desirability function approach not only minimized the variation around the targets of surface hardness and case depth but also was superior to the ones obtained by optimizing the response variables separately. Moreover this study provides a useful and effective approach to design the production process to manufacture bushes with customer specified surface hardness and case depth targets.
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Boby John is currently a Technical Officer at Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research (SQC & OR) Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. He received MSc degree in Statistics from the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottyam, India and MTech degree in Quality, Reliability & Operations Research from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He is engaged in teaching & consulting in the fields of Six Sigma, Quality & Reliability Engineering, Business Analytics, Process Performance Modeling, etc. He has published seventeen papers in international journals and participated in many national and international conferences. Email: boby@isibang.ac.in.
Dr Boby John
Indian Statistical Institute
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Application of desirability function for optimizing the performance characteristics of carbonitrided bushes, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, July 2013, Growing Science,
DOI: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2013.04.003.
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