What is it about?
Diet and exercise concomitant to enzyme replacement therapy (ERT)exert a synergic effect in adult glycogenosis type 2 patients. History of patients in Italy and a story about whether they feel improved or not after ERT.
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Why is it important?
Is an useful add-on to ERT therapy in LOPD demonstrated by patient reported outcome, that is presented in this report.This was presented in front of Exports at EPOC meeting in Hamburg 2020
A new questionnaire was developed ,a number of 58 patients reported in a new outcome that nutrition and exercise demonstrate added benefit of exercise and nutrition in significant way to ERT in most 58 adult Pompe patients
Prof Corrado Angelini
Universita degli Studi di Padova Polo Bibliotecario di Scienze Farmacologia e Scienze Farmaceutiche
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Exercise, nutrition and enzyme replacement therapy are efficacious in adult Pompe patients: report from EPOC Consortium, European Journal of Translational Myology, May 2021, PAGEPress Publications,
DOI: 10.4081/ejtm.2021.9798.
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