What is it about?

Production of Cr3C2-Ni ceramic-metal composite powders, intended for thermal spraying of hard wear and temperature resistant coatings via novel optimized route: 1. Cr3C2 isn't synthesized separately, as in a "traditional" route, but during synthesis of the Cr3C2-Ni bulk material (via so called mechanically activated synthesis (MAS) - milling of Cr, graphite and Ni powders in a ball mill and subsequent sintering in a vacuum oven). 2. The novelty of the present research - the Cr3C2-Ni bulk material shouldn't any more be milled in a disintegrator mill after sintering, but may be manually crashed into powder (suitable fraction is further sieved out).

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Why is it important?

Production of materials via mechanically activated synthesis allows to use lower vacuum sintering temperatures and thus save energy, avoiding disintegrator milling potentially allows to lessen the loss of suitable powder fraction. Overall this should decrease the price of the resultant powder.


The MAS technology is generally feasible of producing powders for thermal spraying, but the feedstock powders (Cr, graphite, Ni) should be compacted into near-spherical particles (by e.g. gas atomization) before the sintering (to avoid crushing of the bulk compact after sintering, as this stage leads to loss of powder; apart from that, the irregular shape of the powder particles after mechanical crushing is not very suitable for a thermal spraying process).

Mr. Andrei G. Surzhenkov
Tallinn University of Technology

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Production of Thermal Spray Cr3C2-Ni Powders by Mechanically Activated Synthesis, Key Engineering Materials, April 2019, Trans Tech Publications,
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.799.31.
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