What is it about?

This study identifies the visitors’ perceptions about the entertainment parks located in Dhaka city – capital city of Bangladesh.

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Why is it important?

Now-a-days, entertainment parks are one of the important segments of tourism industry of any country. Bangladesh is also a country with a full of attractive places for the visitors and tourists. Some of the entertainment parks are also made by the private sector entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Due to very fast growth of urbanization, people are deprived of enjoying natural attractive places due to their time constraints. Therefore, the entertainment park concept is becoming important in developing countries like Bangladesh. Along with natural tourists’ spots, there are four main private sector entertainment parks in Bangladesh such as, Fantasy kingdom, Nandan Park, Sishu Park, and Foyez Lake that are located in Dhaka and Chittagong. The tourism sector’s contribution to the economy is also increasing day by day. In 2017, it was 2.20 percent of the GDP and is expected to be 6.20 percent in 2018 . To develop this sector, a diversified approach with the concentration on theme-based entertainment parks might be more attractive to the urban people of Bangladesh. A large number of visitors look for entertainment parks especially in Dhaka city. But the parks are extremely inadequate in numbers and also not in a good condition. Hence, this study identifies the visitors’ perceptions about the entertainment parks located in Dhaka city – capital city of Bangladesh.


This study suggests that the park authority of Bangladesh should focus on the mentioned factors to make the entertainment parks more attractive to the increased number of visitors of Dhaka city.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Visitors Perception about the Entertainment Parks in Dhaka City of Bangladesh, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, September 2019, Global Journals,
DOI: 10.34257/gjmbrfvol19is2pg17.
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