What is it about?

Sinkhole phenomena are a very uncertain geological hazards that pose a significant threat to human infrastructure and individuals. A collapse occurred in central Italy on 31 January 2023 was monitored by geophysical and geochemical investigations.

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Why is it important?

The obtained data indicate that the structural collapse can be attributable to the fluctuation in groundwater levels as well as the development of instabilities along its banks, leading to a growth in its dimensions.


I hope this article can motivate local authorities to carry out direct investigations to improve the geology at a local scale, calibrate the geophysical and geochemical models and ascertain the subsurface conditions under the roadway, in order to avoid severe damage to infrastructure and humans.

Dr Giancarlo Ciotoli
National research council of Italy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Natural Sinkhole Monitoring and Characterization: The Case of Latera Sinkhole (Latium, Central Italy), Geosciences, January 2024, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/geosciences14010018.
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