What is it about?
Polyphenols are not easily absorbed so we have to find carriers to ensure their absorption. We have shown for the first time, that vegetable based nanoparticles called phytosomes are efficient carriers of Persimmon polyphenols.
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Why is it important?
It has already been demonstrated that Persimmon polyphenols are beneficial in mitigating inflammatory states of diseases like colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and in reducing colorrectal cancer cell proliferation. Phytosomes are likely to augment these effects given their increased absorption and are bound to be of interest for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications.
This research opens up the way to increased polyphenol absorption as well as controlling the dosage of these substances for human health benefit, permitting as well to have the benefits of the Persimmon phenolic compounds throughout the whole year as opposed to just seasonally.
Dr. Rosa Direito
Universidade de Lisboa
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Phytosomes with Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Extract: Preparation and Preliminary Demonstration of In Vivo Tolerability, Pharmaceutics, June 2019, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11060296.
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