What is it about?

The essence of the study in question is firstly: to specify major differences in the legal situation of clients-entrepreneurs relative to (legally privileged) household clients i.e. consumers. Secondly, presentation, as a matter of priority, the legal arguments (obviously, anchored in the economic and technical environment of the electricity, heat and gas fuel market) in order to extend the privileged entrepreneurs protection standard to apply to micro-entrepreneurs (which may be related to small entrepreneurs as well) under the European Union legislation and in compliance with the national legislation. The study addresses the arguments for a specific shape of the national lawmaking regulation that would provide content to the program establishing the state obligation to provide assistance for development of entrepreneurship, in particular the micro-entrepreneurs. It would also make the freedom of entrepreneurship and effective use of liberties of a uniform EU market in the trans-border dimension more realistic in the greater extent for domestic entrepreneurs.

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This page is a summary of: Podwyższenie standardu ochrony mikroprzedsiębiorcy jako odbiorcy paliw i energii na podstawie kompetencji państwa członkowskiego w prawodawstwie Unii Europejskiej, Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, January 2018, Kancelaria Sejmu/Chancellery of the Sejm,
DOI: 10.31268/zpbas.2018.21.
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