What is it about?

What is Known It is already known that carbohydrate intolerance develops often during pregnancy. In diabetic pregnancies, the high serum glucose level can affect fetal carbohydrate metabolism and have influence on fetal heart growth. What is New It is the first prospective case-controll study to investigate the fetal myocardiumin in second and third trimesters in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus. Our puropuse was to determine the early detection intervall for fetal myocardial disfunction.

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Why is it important?

Following the fetal myocardium’s parameters in the prenatal periode is good feedback of the mother’s blood glucose system’s discrepancies, which can be a wellapplicable filtering method. It is suitable for early detection of complications, therefore their degree and proportion can be favourably influenced in prenatal existence.


The notion that complications occurred, even cumulatively, in case of pregnant women treated with insulin just as much as to those not treated with insulin, further supports the fact that maternal blood sugar level must be kept under regular control and modified by therapy if any complication is detected during fetal cardio-ultrasound examinations.

Dr Andrea Suranyi
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Examination of Fetal Myocardium and Maternal and Fetal Features of Pregnancy Complicated by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Fortune Journal of Health Sciences, January 2024, Fortune Journals,
DOI: 10.26502/fjhs.206.
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