What is it about?
Current intact stability criterion is based on the heeling arm curve and it is not sufficient to explain real nature of capsizing of ships. The nonlinear effects and random sea is not considered. There are many studies in literature considering the nonlinear effects and random sea. This study shows how Lyapunov method can be used to define an intact stability criteria.
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Why is it important?
The Lyapunov method is an efficient tool to create stable boundaries of motions of any object and create criteria. This study is a recent example of defining an intact stability criteria in random seas by Lyapunov method.
The number of ships and their types must be increased to create a criterion. This study shows the way of creating a criterion.
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Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Lyapunov Function based Criteria for Ship Rolling in Random Beam Seas, Polish Maritime Research, September 2019, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/pomr-2019-0040.
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