What is it about?
The NEP is standardized instrument to assess environmental concerns of different socio-economic groups. The research aim is to do the assessment of the pro-ecological attitudes of Kosovar teachers by using NEP scale statements, to see if there is more eco-centric of anthropocentric attitudes of the respondents.
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Why is it important?
It is the first NEP related research done in Kosovo. The main findings are that teachers are finding environmental situation worsening very fast both in global and country level, and with minimal optimism for improvement in next decade. Also in mos of 15 NEP statements teachers took the position of endorsing pro-ecological statements meaning endorsing NEP statements.
Doing the first research of this type was interesting experience, particularly working with respondents from the most polluted area of Kosovo. From this we aim to continue research in comparative level between teachers and teacher students, students of different study programs, students of different countries etc.
Zeqir Veselaj
University of Prishtina
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Pro-ecological Views of Kosovar Teachers Measured by Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm Statements, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, June 2019, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/jtes-2019-0007.
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