What is it about?
Of present-day Primates, only humans & hylobatids (gibbons, siamangs, simakobu) can be called "bipedal": the great apes evolved from bi- to quadrupedal in parallel: orangutans fist-walking, gorillas & chimps-bonobos in parallel knuckle-walking. This implies that the African australopithecines are fossil relatives of Gorilla (e.g. E.African afarensis->boisei) // Pan (S.African africanus->robustus) rather than of Homo: according to our lack of Pliocene retroviral DNA, our Pliocene ancestors lived in Asia, cf. early-Pleistocene H.erectus on Java, google e.g. "pachyosteosclerosis".
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Photo by Mariano Nocetti on Unsplash
Why is it important?
This implies a revolutionary view of paleo-anthropology: Plio-Pleistocene human ancestors did not evolve on African savannas as still often assumed (anthropo- & afro-centrical prejudices), but lived along Indian Ocean coasts originally.
My book "De evolutie van de mens - waarom wij rechtop lopen en kunnen spreken" Acad.Uitg. Eburon 2022 Utrecht NL. Becoming older, I'd very like to see our view generally accepted before I die. Google e.g. "gondwanatalks verhaegen" & "WHATtalk verhaegen".
Marc Verhaegen
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Early Hominoids: Orthograde Aquarboreals in Flooded Forests?, November 2011, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/978160805244811101010067.
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