What is it about?

Standard cancer therapies, such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and antiestrogen administration does not work as might be expected. Cancer cells are own cells of patients and they have remnants of genome stabilizer machinery providing possibility for their domestication and elimination.

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Why is it important?

Today, breast cancer specialists are unable to predict either the probability of tumor recurrence or the life expectancy of patients, since the standard therapeutic approaches to breast cancer are inappropriate.


No radiation, no chemo, no antiestrogen against breast cancer, but rather genome supportive therapy. Breast cancer patients should not be left alone after apparently successful therapy. They need strict control and maintenance of estrogen signaling over an entire lifetime.

professor Zsuzsanna Suba
National Institute of Oncology Budapest

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Causal Therapy of Breast Cancer Irrelevant of Age, Tumor Stage and ER-Status: Stimulation of Estrogen Signaling Coupled With Breast Conserving Surgery*, Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, August 2016, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/1574892811666160415160211.
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