What is it about?

This paper aims at identifying the factors that influence the customer experience in mobile banking in Bangladesh

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Why is it important?

Bangladesh is a densely populated country of the world. More than 170 million people live in this country. Mobile banking is a very important and new phenomenon in Bangladesh. In recent years, mobile banking has got highest importance by the customers in the country as it provides immense scope for consumers for banking transactions at any time with the option to access bank’s facilities anywhere of the country. It is a subset of electronic banking, the use of which is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Hence, this paper aims at identifying the factors that influence the customer experience in mobile banking in Bangladesh.


This study suggests that the policymakers should focus on the convenient and responsive system of mobile banking, transaction security in ATM booth and technological difficulty factors that affect customers experience in doing mobile banking for the improvement of the mobile banking services in Bangladesh.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Factors Affecting Customers’ Experience in Mobile Banking of Bangladesh, SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2018, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3305925.
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