What is it about?
cesarean section has traditionally performed when a vaginal delivery would put the mother or baby's life at risk.
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Why is it important?
The most common indication for cesarean section in adolescent was fetal distress (27.9%), and previous CS in the adult group. The most common indication for cesarean section in nulliparous women was obstructed labour and previous CS in the multiparous women
I hope this article will shed light on some common causes for doing a cesarean section in a sample of women.
Assistant professor Basim Hussein Bahir
College of health and medical technology-MTU
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: INDICATIONS FOR CESAREAN SECTION IN A SAMPLE OF WOMEN IN BAGHDAD CITY, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, August 2017, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20178-9035.
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