What is it about?

An overview of selected leadership skills with a brief description pf how she utilized these skills in her visionary work and the lasting impact of her use of the skills.

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Why is it important?

Remembering the past allows us to build on the future.When nurses understand how the founder of modern nursing used leadership skills to create and build the foundation of nursing. When we see the lasting impact of important leadership skills, we can learn from the past in order to continue to build the profession in the future.


Remembering Florence Nightingale for more than her impact at the bedside of soldiers in the Crimean War in Scutari is important in order to understand the beginnings of modern nursing and to continue to build upon that foundation to continue to develop scientific knowledge for the future. Nightingale continues to be relevant and impactful for contemporary nursing, but her contributions are often overlooked. As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of her birth, nurses should pause and reflect on Nightingale's significant contributions that propelled nursing into a profession and continue to impact the work of all nurses.

Lynn Nichols
University of Alabama at Birmingham Mervyn H Sterne Library

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Promoting Sustainable Nursing Leadership: The Nightingale Legacy, Creative Nursing, September 2020, Springer Publishing Company,
DOI: 10.1891/crnr-d-19-00081.
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