What is it about?

This manual aims to offer basic knowledge about the evaluation psychological of the elderly and its family. It can be useful for supporting the training of students and young researchers who are linked to care for the elderly. We present different instruments and strategies.

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Why is it important?

It is imperative to promote preventive actions that contribute to the knowledge of individual characteristics and the current needs not only of the elderly but also from their families.


The book in one of the results of the research "Family adaptation to the institutionalization of elderly in Colombia and Spain". The book is in Spanish but we are translating to the English language.

Dra. Marta Martín Carbonell
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Manual básico para la evaluación psicológica de adultos mayores institucionalizados y sus familias, August 2019, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia- UCC,
DOI: 10.16925/gcgp.15.
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