What is it about?
Orange wine making technology is very different from the conventional white wine making technology. Skin-contact fermented white wines, the so-called orange or qvevri wines, have earned special interest in the world’s wine-making and in the culinary trends too. According to gastronomy peak points, there is a need to be respected by existence of traditions, innovation, healthy and environmental conscious. Orange wines are made from white grapes and put to use the ancient Georgian technology. The essential of this method is the long skin-contact fermentation in amphores without any chemicals or specified yeast.
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Why is it important?
In our work, we measured polyphenol content of orange wines, especially total polyphenol and atechin content, furthermore colour-intensity being sure in the safe wine-making technology without oxidized components.
I hope this article will be interested among authors working with the composition of orange wines. In the future, it will be useful to collect more informations on chemical composition of skin-contact fermented white wines with several grape-varieties, different fermentinf vessels (amphora, spin-barrel, concrete egg, etc.)
Zsuzsanna Bene
Marketing és Turizmus Intézet
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Polyphenol contents of skin-contact fermented white wines, Acta Alimentaria, December 2019, Akademiai Kiado,
DOI: 10.1556/066.2019.48.4.13.
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