What is it about?

This paper is about the identification the significant factors that influence employee turnover in telecom industry of Bangladesh.

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Why is it important?

Telecom industry is a booming industry in Bangladesh. This industry has seen a tremendous growth in mobile penetration that has exceeded all expectations with over 154 million subscribers as of August 2018 versus only 4 million in 2004. To ensure sustainable growth of this large industry, the organizations have to recruit and retain their intellectual resources. In this age of highly volatile business environment, telecom companies of Bangladesh are continuously exposed by the job changing attitude of their valued employees. The employees are prone to switch their jobs to make their career advancements rather than focusing on the fundamental development of their organizations. They leave organizations for numerous reasons ranging from financial to personal ambition and in some case supervisor‟s behavior, organizational culture and the working environment. Hence, this paper aims at identifying the significant factors that influence employee turnover in telecom industry of Bangladesh.


This is an interesting study deals with the identification of significant factors that influence employee turnover in telecom industry of Bangladesh.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Measurement of Employee Turnover Intentions in Telecom Industry of Bangladesh, Journal of Business Management & Economics, June 2019, Innovative Journal,
DOI: 10.15520/jbme.v7i06.2600.
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