What is it about?
Concrete is widely used construction material for various types of structures due to its structural stability and strength. The objective of this project is to develop and characterize a High-Strength Reduced Modulus High Performance Concrete (HSRM-HPC) and produce, test and qualify a concrete tie made of this material. The proposed concept takes advantage of the high strength of High performance concrete (HPC) while preserving the structural flexibility of the timber or composite ties, as the HSRP-HPC elastic modulus is similar to that of regular strength concrete. A recent pilot study on tie performance indicated that the use of HSRM-HPC reduces the stress amplitudes and, most importantly, regularizes the stress fields in the most critical areas of tie stress failure and improves the load distribution. This concept leads to an inexpensive, technology-based modification of current practices in prestressed concrete tie technology that: (1) improves the safety of the rail service and maintenance operations; and (2) results to significant cost savings by increasing the life span of the tie and further decreasing the maintenance costs
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Why is it important?
High performance concrete (HPC) is generally defined as a concrete with higher structural capacity and/or improved durability as compared to ordinary Portland cement concrete. It is currently being used for pertaining to its mechanical properties and durability characteristics. The associated tests include compressive strength, modulus of elasticity. The objective of this work is to quantify the effects of coarse aggregate on the modulus of elasticity of (HPC) concrete. A series of laboratory tests investigations have been conducted. The laboratory tests pertain to the experimental determination of the elastic modulus of HPC using coarse aggregates from various sources. Results of the tests show that the IS recommended equation is not always appropriate for estimating the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Depending on the source of the aggregates, relationships exist between the modulus of elasticity of the aggregate, its LA abrasion and the resulting modulus of elasticity of the concrete. The main aim of this is to reduce the young’s modulus of concrete by considering different percentage of weathered aggregate in place of normal aggregate and also considering the optimum percentage of fly ash can be replaced instead of ordinary Portland cement(53 grade) in M50 concrete mix and also the mechanical properties. Here in this present study we are investigating the effect of different percentage (%) partial replacement of weathered aggregate in place of normal aggregate by considering the replacement percentage (%) of 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively. and also considering the replacement percentage of 20% cement with fly ash.
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This page is a summary of: Effect of Different Percentage Replacement of Weathered Aggregate in Place of Normal Aggregate on Young’s Modulus of Concrete to Produce High strength and Flexible/Ductile Concrete for use in Railway Concrete Sleepers, International Journal of Civil Engineering, November 2015, Seventh Sense Research Group Journals,
DOI: 10.14445/23488352/ijce-v2i11p105.
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