What is it about?
The article discusses the way in which Tito Caula's photographs depicted modernity in mid-twentieth century Caracas, Venezuela. Focusing on Caula's advertising photography and his images of such spaces as the Sabana Grande and the Centro Simón Bolívar, the article suggests that Caula's photographs documented and portrayed the Americanisation of the Caraqueño landscape.
Featured Image
Photo by Jonathan Mendez on Unsplash
Why is it important?
Very little has been written about Tito Caula in Spanish. Almost nothing has been written about Tito Caula in English. Thus the article brings the work of a culturally significant, but under-studied photographer, to an English-speaking audience.
This article was a real labour of love. It took a long time to put together, but I am very happy with the final result. Caula's work deserves to be seen by a wider audience and I really hope that this article will contribute to his work becoming better known, particularly outside of Venezuela.
Dr Russell White
University of the Arts London
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Tito Caula’s photographic imaginary and mid-century Caraqueño modernity, Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, March 2021, Intellect,
DOI: 10.1386/jucs_00034_1.
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