What is it about?
This article explores what we can learn from creative responses to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which comprises a growing visual language, inclusive of the original images of the codex, the illustrations of popular translations, contemporary artworks that respond to the poem, and the recent film adaptation.
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Photo by Matt Benson on Unsplash
Why is it important?
Representing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is funded by Middlesex University and University of Arts London, it is focused on creative output that has responded to the medieval poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (circa 1370) by the anonymous Pearl (or Gawain) Poet. There is analysis of established illustrations and contemporary artwork adding to an understanding of the growing visual language around this canonical poem.
This project includes my own artwork and those of contemporary illustrators and artists, it represents an attempt to understand the text from an arts research perspective.
Dr Michael Eden
University of the Arts London
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Representing: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Arthuriana, June 2024, Project Muse,
DOI: 10.1353/art.2024.a932121.
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