What is it about?
Diagnostic accuracy test of hip inlet radiography in the control reduction as a alternative to CT
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Why is it important?
Inlet radiography is a quick and economical alternative with less radiation and equally effective when compared to CT in the control reduction of hip dysplasia reduction.
Although I have had the honor of working side by side with the most experienced co-authors in the treatment of hip dysplasia, I have also been able to help children, who now have a comfortable, fast, cheap, postoperative control examination and equally efficient for CT. I recommend reading this article as this new examination can have a considerable impact on the routine of doctors and patients in the treatment of this disease.
Dr João Carlos Rodrigues
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Use of inlet radiographs in the assessment of reduction after the surgical treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip, The Bone & Joint Journal, April 2017, Bone & Joint,
DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.99b5.37687.
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