What is it about?
Modern slavery is the exploitation of men, women and children through the use of force, deception or abuse of vulnerability. This paper explores the current role of the healthcare professional, with a focus on paramedics, in detecting and preventing modern slavery and proposes potential changes to better fulfil this role.
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Why is it important?
In the UK an estimated 136,000 are living in modern slavery yet there is minimal research, training and policy available on the role of the healthcare professional in identifying modern slavery. This paper aims to synthesise and apply the available literature to paramedic practice to allow paramedics to use their unique opportunity to help a person free themselves from modern slavery.
I hope this article was thought provoking and you now have more of an insight into our potentially monumental role in identifying modern slavery. Through this article I have a much better understanding of modern slavery and feel confident that I will be in a prime position to recognise it in the future which is especially important for me as I now know I have missed the signs in the past.
Miss Tyra Wilson
University of East Anglia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The role of the paramedic in identifying modern slavery, International Paramedic Practice, December 2020, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/ippr.2020.10.4.93.
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The role of the paramedic in identifying modern slavery
Modern slavery is the exploitation of men, women and children through the use of force, deception or abuse of vulnerability. This paper explores the current role of the healthcare professional, with a focus on paramedics, in detecting and preventing modern slavery and proposes potential changes to better fulfil this role.
The role of the paramedic in identifying modern slavery
Modern slavery is the exploitation of men, women and children through the use of force, deception or abuse of vulnerability. This paper explores the current role of the healthcare professional, with a focus on paramedics, in detecting and preventing modern slavery and proposes potential changes to better fulfil this role.
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