What is it about?
A qualitative exploratory study into the experiences and perceptions of physiotherapists who care for patients with Parkinson’s disease who are admitted to hospital with respiratory problems. It explores some of the key presentations, possible treatment options and some of the challenges to delivering care.
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Why is it important?
The potential significance of this study’s findings culminates in contributing to an area of patient care currently neglected in the evidence base. It is hoped that this study will help form a cog in the wheel driving forwards care for those with Parkinson’s disease.
Undertaking this research was a great experience and incredibly valuable development opportunity. I hope that some of the themes explored will resonate with other clinicians so that together we can drive forwards the care of the hospitalised patient with Parkinson’s disease.
Nikki Walker
University of East Anglia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Physiotherapists' experiences of respiratory compromise in patients with Parkinson's disease: A qualitative study, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, May 2018, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/ijtr.2018.25.5.223.
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