What is it about?
We show for the first time how a drop of hydrogel can generate chronic nerve pain without surgery in a rat; and also how such persistent pain can be resolved with the targeted use of a natural hormone, erythropoietin.
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Why is it important?
In humans, chronic neural pain starts with tissue changes occurring at the site of a soft tissue injury, and rarely with surgical incisions. Yet all the current animal models used in drug research are created with incisions. Compared to other animal chronic neuropathic pain models, the GELTM model much more closely mimics the tissue changes, symptom development, and chronicity of human persistent pain. This model also mimics the human reaction to chronic opiate use, i.e., increasing pain over time. In contrast to all other animal models, the GELTM model is refined (3Rs) and humane.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The refined biomimetic NeuroDigm GEL™ model of neuropathic pain in a mature rat, F1000Research, May 2017, Faculty of 1000, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.9544.2.
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