What is it about?

Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis is an uncommon inflammatory condition of the prostate, that can mimic prostate adenocarcinoma on clinical, biochemical and biological grounds. It has been very rarely described in the literature (no more than 20 cases), thus making it an even more differential diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma.

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Why is it important?

Nowadays, with the increase of prostate adenocarcinoma prevalence, urologists often lean towards this diagnosis when they face an elder man with a suspect digital rectal examination. Nevertheless, even when all the signs seem to be those of a cancer prostate, it can sometimes reveal another condition, such as xanthogranulomatous prostatitis, a rare and uncommon inflammatory disease.


It goes without saying that prostate cancer can only be diagnosed after histopathological examination, as several conditions can mimic prostate adenocarcinoma, whether it is on a clinical, biological or radiological plan.

Reda El Moussaoui
Universite de Bourgogne

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Case Report: Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis, a difficult differential diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma, F1000Research, October 2019, Faculty of 1000, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.20093.1.
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