What is it about?
This was a randomised controlled study evaluating the effects of a six component individualised treatment strategy. Older persons aged 65years and older were recruited from the emergency room or primary care clinics if they had an injurious fall or two or more falls in the past year.
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Why is it important?
We need to know whether multifactorial falls intervention is effective in reducing falls among older persons in Malaysia
The healthcare system in Malaysia has been built for infectious diseases and child and maternal health and potentially ill equipped to deal with chronic illness and older persons with multiple medical problems. This study will expose potential challenges and barriers to implementation of multifactorial interventions in this setting.
Maw Pin Tan
University of Malaya
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial, January 2013, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/isrctn11674947.
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