What is it about?

Cancer patients have an increased risk of suffer from active tuberculosis. We decided to evaluate two test to diagnose latent tuberculosis infection (QuantiFERON®-TB and tuberculin skin test) in 149 patients. A 21.5% of patients had a positive results on either test. Tests agreement was moderate but it improved marginally when the cut-off points that define what is positive or not on either test were changed.

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Why is it important?

Cancer patients is a population at risk of tuberculosis. Our findings suggest that modifying cut-off points may improve agreement of tests.


I hope this article remarks the importance of tuberculosis in populations at risk. This article may lead to evaluate the cut-off points of tests evaluated to improve their performance.

Dr. Javier Leonardo Galindo Pedraza
Hospital Universitario Mayor

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Comparison of the QuantiFERON-TB and tuberculin skin test for detection of latent tuberculosis infection in cancer patients in a developing country, ERJ Open Research, October 2019, European Respiratory Society (ERS),
DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00258-2018.
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