What is it about?

To investigate the attitudes of Emirati women aged 30-64 towards menopause and to determine the existing relationships between Emirati women attitudes towards menopause and their sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics.

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Why is it important?

Due to the fact that menopause is universal but the knowledge and attitudes towards it change through cultures and considering the lack of information about knowledge and attitudes towards menopause, there was a need to conduct a study in order to collect data regarding attitudes towards menopause, HRT and their related health risks.


The proposed study was the first to investigate the Emirati women’s attitudes towards menopause and HRT in the Emirate of Dubai. It will add further information about the Emirati menopausal women to the limited menopause research in the Arab world and specifically in the UAE. Additionally, there is a significant need to conduct more research in this area as it has a remarkable impact not only on menopausal women’s quality of life, but also on health care policies regarding their health.

Linda Smail
Zayed University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Emirati women’s attitudes towards menopause: Implications for health care policy, Post Reproductive Health, June 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2053369119848888.
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