What is it about?

This is one way a therapist can help clients identify the powerful metaphors they live by. Much of one's experience is embedded at this level of communication. One can live by negative ("I'm cursed") or positive metaphors ("I'm blessed") that can influence life outcomes.

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Why is it important?

Awareness of the powerful metaphors people live by is important as it is beneficial for the process of personal change.


I have used the metaphors of transactional analysis in my own process of change and can attest to how awareness of these are powerful tools for personal growth.

Dr Leonard P. Campos
Sacramento Institute for Redecision Therapy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Using Metaphors for Identifying Life Script Changes, Transactional Analysis Bulletin, April 1972, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/036215377200200211.
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