What is it about?

This study deals with the job satisfaction of women workers and managerial policies of garment companies in Bangladesh. Work dissatisfaction reduces the performance of workers and, in turn, company performance is negatively affected. Hence, the strategies related to the use of sophisticated technology and to manage human resources for the production of garments for the international markets are crucial. Therefore, this study evaluates the impact of technological change on job satisfaction of women garment workers in Bangladesh. It also explores the strategies for decreasing dissatisfaction of lower skilled workers. The study identifies the relationship between job satisfaction and the overall impact of the change.

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Why is it important?

The garment industry is the fast growing export sector of Bangladesh. More than three fourths of total foreign earnings of the country come from this sector. This sector has a low labor cost advantage in producing garments. The manufacturing technology of garment production has been changing from labor-intensive to more sophisticated and capital-intensive production. This change creates dissatisfaction for the lower skilled workers because of their inability to adapt to the new manufacturing process. Therefore, this study evaluates the impact of technological change on job satisfaction of women garment workers in Bangladesh.


Its my pleasure to write an article on the technological change impact on the job satisfaction of the garment workers of Bangladesh which is number one industrial sector of the country. Valuable comments are invited on the paper to improve the quality of the research.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Impact of Technological Change on Job Satisfaction of Women Garment Workers in Developing Country, Management and Labour Studies, November 2003, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0258042x0302800401.
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