What is it about?

In the current era, organizations are necessitated to focus on nurturing the positive psychological functioning of employees to deal with the workplace complexities. Consequently, the development of resilience is viewed as a critical solution to support employees working in the arduous environment. Thus, in the present era of economic uncertainty and intense competitiveness, organizations that instill resilience among their employees will have a clear advantage.

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Why is it important?

Researchers have affirmed the significance of resilience and reported its vital role in fostering employees’ well being and performance. However, despite the fact that researchers now believe resilience is something that can be developed, little academic research has been dedicated to ‘how people develop resilience in themselves and others. The scales for measuring resilience in the workplace are still in its infancy, therefore, the approaches to design, deliver, and evaluate workplace resilience measures still await scholarly investigation. Till date, research is deficient in offering a standardized tool for measuring resilience at the workplace.


In the current tempestuous and incessantly changing working environment, workplace stress can affect the performance of the workforce and could result in adverse organizational consequences including high employee turnover. Thus, it becomes imperative that organizations understand the significance of resilience in the workplace. The results of the study advocate that developing resilience among employees, might in turn aid in building a highly engaged workforce. Improving individual resilience is one area where managers can play a vital role in their employees’ development. By understanding primary resilience factors and using the RAW scale, managers can design and implement specific interventions to foster resilience.

Parul Malik
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Psychometric Testing of the Resilience at Work Scale Using Indian Sample, Vikalpa The Journal for Decision Makers, June 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0256090918773922.
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