What is it about?

Can a computer system acts a mediator in a negotiation? This paper explains an algorithm than can be implemented to develop a system that can learn negotiating parties' preferences and then provide suggestions to reduce differences among them.

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Why is it important?

Previous works related to stakeholders’ negotiation mostly requires stakeholders to engage in a face-to-face negotiation that seldom involves a computer system to improve the process. With the support a computer system, more stakeholders can be involved, and they will have the opportunity to express their opinion more freely, because they are not stating it to another person, but to the system.


Promoting the use of a computer system in a public decision making is challenging. However, if we want to involve stakeholders as much as possible, traditional negotiation where stakeholders are involved in a face-to-face exchange of opinion will not produce an optimum solution.

Cahyono Susetyo
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Orthogonal strategy based computer-mediated negotiation: Principles and example, Environment and Planning B Urban Analytics and City Science, January 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2399808317748160.
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